

Saturday, December 19, 2009

Do Japanese bargain in Japan?

No. They don't have the custom of bargaining with small merchants and shopkeepers that you find in other countries in Asia. The prices in japanese shops are firm. The clerk or storekeeper would be smewhat offended if a customer tried to haggle. Japanese in general don't like to argue about prices, especially in public.

There are some reward for a good customer. It's called omake. This is the custom of a small shopkeeper giving something extra to the customer. But the important thing is that they never ask for it. It's up to the shopkeeper to decide when and for whom to do it.

Well, omake might be a bit more of whatever the customer is buying. For example, if you're buying fruit, the clerk might throw in a few extra pieces. Or you might be given a tiny discount, or a small gift of something else that's sold there.

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