

Monday, February 8, 2010

Do you know how to do the tea ceremony in Japan?

Yes, I've studied the tea ceremony. (No, I haven't formally studied the tea ceremony.) But whether we've studied it or not, most of Japanese do know something about it. It's been a traditional japanese art form since the fifteenth century, when it was perfected. The tea ceremony is much more than just serving and drinking tea. It's a deeply aesthetic experience.

What does the tea ceremony involve?
There are precise rituals of form and etiquette for host and guests. They include the tea room itself, the selection of the tea cups, the making and serving of the tea, and the appreciation of the hospitality.

Is is always so formal?
The degree of formality may vary according to the particular school of tea ceremony you follow. And, in a way, serving tea in your home to family or guests may be considered and informal extension of the ritual Japanese tea ceremony.

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